Global Satellite Session Pakistan: Highlight from the 2nd Joint National Centre for Physics (Condensed Matter Physics & High Energy Physics)
20 March, 2025 (1730-1930 PST)
American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting is scheduled at Anaheim, California on March 16-21, 2025, however, satellite meeting is being jointly organized at National Centre for Physics (NCP), Islamabad, Pakistan on March 20th, 2025.
To extend the reach and diversity of its annual meetings, APS has developed a pilot program of APS Satellite Meetings. This is the second time that NCP is organizing the APS March Satellite Meetings. The first joint Satellite March Meeting was organized in March 2024 at NCP premises.
The sessions on March 20th will be held live at NCP from 1730 – 1930 (Pakistan Standard Time (PST)) and will also be broadcasted online. The complete schedule of sessions of the APS Meeting can be found on the APS March Meeting web page.
Speaker Name |
Institute |
Talk Title |
Dr. Bilal Tariq | NCP, Pakistan | Title: A spectral study of the two electrons in a Silicon Quantum Dot |
Dr. Shahin M. Iqbal | NCP, Pakistan | Title: Unveiling the hottest secrets of the Universe |
Dr. Falak Sher | LUMS, Pakistan | Title: High Temperature Thermoelectric Properties of Double Perovskite Oxides |
Dr. M. Sultan Satti | Kohsar University, Pakistan | Title: Understanding Extrinsic and Intrinsic Ion Migration in Halide Perovskites using Rutherford Backscattering |
Dr. Qaisar Ahsan (NCP, Pakistan) | Ms. Michele Irwin (APS, USA) | Dr. Muhammad Aftab Rafiq (NCP, Pakistan) |
Dr. Mohsin Siddiq (NCP, Pakistan) | Dr. Hassan Shahzad, (NCP, Pakistan) | Mr. Waheed Mumtaz (NCP, Pakistan) |
Dr. Muhammad Usman (NCP, Pakistan) | Dr. Tanzeel Murtaza (NCP, Pakistan) |
How to Apply
The online registration form can be accessed here. The application form should be submitted by March 05, 2025.
Meeting Brochure
To download the brochure, click here.

For Further Queries, Please Contact:
Collaborations & Academic Activities Department (CAAD)
National Centre for Physics,
Shahdra Valley Road, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92-51-2077300 Ext. 348, 520 & 350
Fax: +92-51-2077342