May 30 – 31, 2016
National Centre for Physics (NCP) is organizing a 2-days “National Workshop on X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)” from May 30-31, 2016. Nanoscience and Technology Department (NS & TD) at NCP is equipped with several state of the art characterization techniques, XPS being the latest addition to these. Photoelectron spectroscopy is an immensely valuable nondestructive surface analysis technique (≤ 10nm) based on the photoelectric effect that provides composition and chemical bonding information on the surface of almost any material (conducting or insulating). The XPS equipment at NCP is the only one in the entire country and has therefore become the focus of attention of a large number of researchers. This workshop aims to orient the participants to the basics of this system and its multifaceted applications. The event will hold introductory lectures and case studies from XPS experts, as well as interactive sessions. There will be ample opportunities for the prospective users to learn the potentials of this technique and to determine the prospects of collaborations in this area.
Hafeez R. Hoorani | Dr. Sara Qaisar | Dr. S. K. Hasanain |
Invited Speakers
- Dr. Walyat, IST - Auger Analysis
- Dr. Mazhar Mehmood, PIEAS - XPS Study of Thin Oxide Passive Films on Metals and Alloys
- Dr. Sajid, IST - Estimating the Partial Concentration of Different Valance States of Cu in Cu2Se Based Upon Cu2p XPS Spectrum
- Dr. Zahoor, AJK - XPS: Its Principle and Role in Surface Characterization focused on Carbon and Silver
- Dr. Saifullah, COMSATS - Basic Aspects of XPS and Applications
- Dr. Zeeshan, NCP-IPFP - XPS Study of the Al-C-N Films deposited onto Si Substrates
- Dr. Islahuddin, GCU Lahore - X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy: A Surface Science Analysis
- Dr. Husanain Jaffery, QAU - Utilization of XPS to Study Electronic structure of Various Oxide Nanoparticles and Thin Films
- Mian Kashif Safeen, Abdul Wali University - Synthesis of conductive and transparent Nb-doped TiO2 thin films at low temperature
Technical Committee
Dr. Muhammad Sultan | Mr. Muhammad Arshad | Dr. Yaqoob Khan |
Organizing Committee
Dr. Riffat M. Qureshi | Mr. Inam ur Rehman Butt |
Eligibility Criterion
Faculty members and/or employed researchers having experience in the field of activity and/or aspiring to take up such research.
Limited seats are available and will be filled on first come first serve basis as per eligibility criterion.
Registration Fee
- Local (Rwp/Isb) participants: Pak Rs. 2000/-
- Non-local participants: Pak Rs. 3000/-
Fee will cover tea plus lunches for both days. Accommodation and meals will be provided free of charge to outstation participants. Partial travel assistance may be provided to selected outstation participants.
How to apply
Application form can be downloaded here and filled form should be submitted before May 17, 2016.
Workshop Brochure
To download the workshop woekshop brochure, click here.

For Further Queries, Please Contact: Dr. Muhammad Sultan NS&TD, National Centre for Physics Shahdra Valley Road Islamabad, Pakistan Tel: +92-51-2077408 Fax: +92-51-2077389 E-mail: Website: